
Best Cracker Joke Ever!!!!!!

We had some left over tree crackers which we pulled today.  They'd been on the tree and we'd forgotten about them till we took the tree down last week, so we put them on the table today and pulled them before dinner.

Most of the crackers had the standard terrible cracker jokes, except for the one in my cracker, which as the title suggests in my opinion is the best cracker joke ever.

Q: How do you get two whales in a car?

A:Over the Severn bridge. (Highlight the text to make it appear)

The reason that I love this joke is due to the word play involved.  One of my favourite types of comedy is word play based comedy, which is why I love I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. One of the main components of the show is the use of double meanings or using different pronunciations to make a word mean something else, which is found in rounds like New Definitions.  There is also a liberal dose of old fashioned double entendres, especially when (the late great) Humphrey Littleton (Humph) was talking about Samantha.

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